Monday, December 17, 2012

DECEMBER 9, 2012

Hari OM!

Beginning Prayers
  • Om Saha Navavathu
  • Vakratunda Mahakaya
  • Saraswathi Namastubhyam
  • Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu
  • Ramaya Ramabhadraya slokha.
  • Budhir Balam
  • GuruStotram (My Prayers, Page 9) - We
    reviewed slokas 1-6.
  • Lingashtakam - We reviewed the first stanza of Lingashtakam and the learnt the second one. 
Before we recalled the story we conducted a quiz of the last few chapters.  Team A did better than Team B.  We continued the story. When Lakshmana sees Bharata coming in the forest he misinterprets Bharatha's intentions - he thinks Bharatha is coming to kill Rama.  Rama convinces him that there's no way Bharata would do that.  Bharata is dressed in ascetic clothes just like Sri Rama and tells him how King Dasharatha is no more.  Sri Rama faints on hearing this and on recovering performs the last rites for his father.  Then Bharatha tries to convince Sri Rama to come back and take over the kingdom.  Rama refuses and tell him the greatest philosophy that joys and sorrows come in pairs.  Everyone's got to do what their duty is and whichever way destiny takes them.  Rama has vowed to his father to stay an asceitc life in the forest for 14 years and he will have to keep his word.  On hearing this, Bharatha is sad but agrees to run the kingdom as Rama's representative for 14 years till Rama comes back.  Bharatha then asks for Sri Rama's paduka (Slippers) and takes it home on his head. He tells Rama that his paduka will sit on the throne and rule the kingdome.  Meanwhile, Bharatha will live like Rama, in a hut as an asceitc outside Ayodhya and run the kingdom on his behalf.
After Bharata and his army leaves, Rama tells Lakshmana that they should move out of CHitrakuta since it is too close to Ayodhya and people might keep visiting them from Ayodhya.
They press deeper into the Dandaka forest and are instructed by risi Atri as to where they can set up their ashrama. They go deeper into the forest and find that is very dark and gloomy.  Suddenly they encounter a raksasa and the brothers battle him.  He is the powerful Viradha and has received a boon that he cannot be killed.  Ram and Lakshmana climb on him and cuts off his limbs.he falls down in agony and just when Ram was going to kill him he transforms into a Gandharva.  Having felt the presence of God he is freed from his curse. They proceed further into Dandaka and with the blessing of risi Sutiksna they set up their asrama in a neighboring area. 

The kids made a Shiva Lingam out of Modeling clay. 

The children did likhita japa today.


We conluded the day with 
  • Om Purnamadah
The children had a bit of difficulty remembering all the names when we were conducting the quiz. They are very enthusiastic and pay attention when we do the story.  They also are very interested in learning the Guru Stotram and Lingaashtakam. 

Please try to send the following items in your childs bag:
  1. Crayons
  2. Pencil
  3. Notebook
  4. Glue
  5. Snack/Drink
  6. A folder to keep their pictures/artwork.
  7. 1st grade Balavihar books - Bala Ramayan, coloring book and a copy of 'My Prayers'
Next class is on Dec 16th, 2012. 

Friday, December 7, 2012

December 2, 2012

Hari OM!

Beginning Prayers
  • Om Saha Navavathu
  • Vakratunda Mahakaya
  • Saraswathi Namastubhyam
  • Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu
  • Ramaya Ramabhadraya slokha.
  • Budhir Balam
  • GuruStotram (My Prayers, Page 9) - We
    reviewed slokas 1-6.
  • Lingashtakam - We learnt the first stanza of Lingashtakam
 Ayodhya is in mourning.  Sage Vasistha sends for Bharata who is on vacation.  Bharata who has been restless lately returns to Ayodhya and is confused to see the sad faces on his way to his mother's palace.  There his mother tells him about the death of the old king and how she had planned and succeeded in making Bharata the king of Ayodhya.  Bharata is shocked.
The story continued with Kaikeyi telling Bharata how happy she was to secure the kingdom for him and how she banished Rama to the forest.  Bharata and Shatrugna on hearing this are really shocked and angry and yell and scream at Kaikeyi.  Shatrugna, who is usually quiet, also drags Manthara on the floor.  Bharata performs the last rites for his father and then tells the court that he will go and bring Rama back and make him the king.  Ayodhya is very happy and follow Bharata into the forest to bring back Sri Rama.  Guha and Sage Bharadwaja meet Bharata and give their blessing and help to bring back Rama.  When Lakshmana sees Bharata coming in the forest he misinterprets Bharatha's intentions - he thinks Bharatha is coming to kill Rama. 

The kids colored a picture of Manthara poisoning Kaikeyi's mind

The children did likhita japa today.


We conluded the day with 
  • Om Purnamadah
The children really enjoy the Ramayana story and pay good attention during the story time.  They also seem to like the activities they do in this class.
Please try to send the following items in your childs bag:
  1. Crayons
  2. Pencil
  3. Notebook
  4. Glue
  5. Snack/Drink
  6. A folder to keep their pictures/artwork.
  7. 1st grade Balavihar books - Bala Ramayan, coloring book and a copy of 'My Prayers'
Next class is on Dec 9th, 2012.