Saturday, February 21, 2015

February 8, 2015

Hari Om!
Beginning Prayers

·         Om Saha Navavathu
·         Agajaanana Padmaarkam

·         Yaakundendu


We finished learning all the Guru Stotrams today, and the kids took turns to come to the front, and chant the verses.  Here is the last Stotram we learnt today:

Tvam-Eva Maataa Ca Pitaa Tvam-Eva |
Tvam-Eva Bandhush-Ca Sakhaa Tvam-Eva |
Tvam-Eva Viidyaa Dravinnam Tvam-Eva |
Tvam-Eva Sarvam Mama Deva Deva ||

1: You Truly are my Mother And You Truly are my Father .
2: You Truly are my Relative And You Truly are my Friend.
3: You Truly are my Knowledge and You Truly are my Wealth.
4: You Truly are my All, My God of Gods.

We are very excited that we are going to chant the Stotram in front of Swamiji on Bhiksha Day on May 17th.

Game time:

We played ‘Zip Zap Zop’  game, which was a lot of fun, and which helped to remember the character names, and also made everybody alert.  

Story Time:

Continuing the story, Sugriva promised to help Rama and Lakshmana if they helped him win the kingdom back from his brother Bali.  Sugriva knew about his brother’s strength and fighting skills, and so he asked Rama to prove that he could take Bali on. Rama proved his might to Sugriva, by shooting through several trees, and making the arrow get back to the quiver. Rama then asked the satisfied Sugriva to challenge Bali to a fight and promised to kill Bali. However Bali and Sugriva looked so alike that Rama was not sure which one was Bali while Sugriva was in fact getting beaten up by Bali. So a badly hurt Sugriva came back to Rama and asked him why he did not keep up his promise. Rama explained the reason and suggested him to wear a garland of flowers, and challenge Bali again. Rama was then able to identify Bali, and killed him by shooting an arrow from behind a tree. Rama explained to the dying Bali that it was fair to kill him while in hiding since that was done in hunting animals and also it helped to keep his promise to Sugriva. Bali felt blessed to be killed by Rama and asked Sugriva to take over the kingdom and his wife and son, Angada.

Soon after Sugriva’s Crowning celebrations, the monsoon season set in, and hence search for Sita could not continue. Meanwhile, Sugriva got immersed in kingly pleasures, forgetting his promise to Rama. On Hanuman’s reminder and request, Sugriva asked that all vanaras to assemble within a day to start searching for Sita. Lakshmana got mad when he saw Sugriva intoxicated instead of doing anything to look for Sita, and strung his bow. Just that sound reverberated through the entire kingdom and brought Sugriva to his senses. Meanwhile, per Sugriva’s order, all the bears and monkeys from the kingdom assembled to help Sugriva and Lakshmana plan the search for Sita.

We did the exercises at the back of Aranya Kanda.

We ended the class with Shanthi Mantra.
Please mark your calendars for our class presentation at the assembly on Mar 22nd, and also for Bhiksha on May 17th. Please have the kids attempt the exercises at the end of Aranya Kanda, in the Junior Balavihar Bala Ramayana book. Also please get them to practice Guru Stotram.

Please remember to send along the following items in your child’s bag along with the folder and books:

1.      Crayons
2.      Sharpened Pencils
3.      Erasers
4.      Notebook
5.      Glue
6.      Age appropriate child proof scissors

and a nut free Snack/Drink to have during the break.  Next class is on February 22, 2015.

February 1, 2015

Hari OM!

Beginning Prayers

·         Om Saha Navavathu
·         Agajaanana Padmaarkam 
·         Yaakundendu 


We chanted all the Stotrams (1-12) learnt so far today. Everybody took turns to come to the front of the class to chant one verse each. 

We learnt the 13 verse :

Gurur-adir-anadish-cha Guruh-param-daivatam. 
Guroh-parataram nasti tasmai Shri Gurave Namah. 


The Guru is the beginning of the Universe, yet he himself is without a beginning, the Guru is the highest deity, and there is none higher than the Guru. My reverential salutations at the lotus-feet of such a Gurudev.


 We did some Yoga in class and the kids did all their favorite poses.

Story Time:
Pre-Story Quiz time was a lot of fun with great participation. It was evident that the kids are paying attention.

The princes continue their journey in search of Sugriva.  Meeting Sabari has strengthened their minds. As they are walking through the forests, Sugriva sees 2 humans coming and he suspects that they might be spies from his brother Bali So, he sends his minister Hanuman to find out more about them. Hanuman approaches them and introduces himself and finds out more them.  He is immediately attracted to their simplicity and becomes great friends with them. He carries them on his shoulder to meet Sugriva.  Ram and Lakshmana tell Sugriva their story and asks Sugriva's help to reach Lanka. Sugriva promises to help Rama and Lakshmana if they help him win the kingdom back from his brother Bali.  Sugriva tells Rama about a misunderstanding between him and his brother that caused a rift between them which is why Sugriva is hiding in the Rsyamukha mountains.  He tells Rama about how Bali killed Dundubhi and then Mayavi who is Dundubhi's brother comes to challenge him and how the fight lead to the cave and Sugriva mistook that Bali was killed in the fight and closed the cave. Bali got mad at Sugriva and banished him from the kingdom. Sugriva and Rama promise friendship to each other. 

We made an Indian Flag in the class to celebrate Indian Republic Day.


We ended the class with Shanthi Mantra.

As mentioned already, we have finished Bala Kanda, and Ayodhya Kanda, and Aranya Kanda and have started the Kishkinda Kanda. We had done some exercises at the back of the chapters. Please have the kids try and finish the exercises at the back of the Second chapter in the Junior Balavihar Bala Ramayana book. 

Children are making great progress with Guru Stotram. Please make them practice Guru Stotram (1-13) and also ‘Yaakundendu’ at home. We are planning to chant Guru Stotram at the Bhiksha towards the end of academic year.
Coloring is a fun activity that kids can do anytime. 

Some kids are still missing ‘My Prayer Book’, and ‘Bala Ramayana’ Junior Balavihar books, and also a folder to keep materials in. Please remember to send those in.
Please remember to send along the following items in your child’s bag along with the folder and books: 
1.      Crayons
2.      Sharpened Pencils
3.      Erasers
4..      Notebook
5.      Glue
6.      Age appropriate child proof scissors

and a nut free Snack/Drink to have during the break

Next class is on February 8, 2015.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

January 25, 2014

Hari Om!

Talking about how each of us celebrated Sankranthi festival was the first thing we did. We also talked about why we celebrate this festival. It is a harvest festival, and most importantly, a thanksgiving festival, when we give thanks to the Sun, and the livestock that helps in agriculture.


After the customary beginning prayers, and chanting Guru Stotram 1 through 11, we learnt Stotram # 12 today.  

Man[d]-Naathah Shrii-Jagannaatho Mad-Guruh Shrii-Jagad[t]-Guruh |
Mad-Aatmaa Sarva-Bhuuta-[A]atmaa Tasmai Shrii-Gurave Namah ||12||

12.1: (Salutations to the Guru) My Lord is the Lord of the Universe, My Guru is the Guru of the Universe,
12.2: My Self is the Self of All Beings; Salutations to that Guru.

We are very excited that we are going to finish learning the entire Guru Stotram in a couple of weeks.

Game time: 

We played ‘Rama Says’ game, and got moving so we got alert enough for the story time.

Story Time:
While Sita was abducted and jailed in ‘Ashoka Vana’ in the companionship of ugly and fearsome Rakshasis, Rama rushed towards his abode to make sure Sita was safe. On the way, he saw Lakshmana coming towards him, and figured something was wrong. Lakshmana explained how Sita threatened to kill herself if he did not go to look for Rama, and why he came looking for Rama. They both realized that it was indeed a trick when Sita was not found at the Ashram. They followed the flowers and jewels thrown by Sita from the ‘Flying Chariot’ of Ravana, and chanced upon the dying Jatayu, who had fought Ravana to protect Sita. After revealing that Ravana had in fact abducted Sita, and asking them to go South, Jatayu dies. Rama and Lakshmana proceeded going south, after performing the last rites for Jatayu. On the way, they encountered a hideous creature, Kabandha with only a stomach with one eye, and a mouth and no head, or legs. When he started attacking Rama and Lakshmana, they cut off his arms. He then mentioned to them that he was a celestial being who was cursed to turn into the hideous being, and that he was waiting for Rama to liberate him. He also told them to seek the help of the Vanara King, Sugreeva to get Sita back. Resuming their search, they met with Sabari, a devout Tapasvini at her Ashram near the banks of river Pampa. She was waiting to see Rama before she could leave the earth. When she gave hand-picked and pre-tasted fruits to Rama, he lovingly accepted and ate them, understanding the love behind the gesture, and explained to Lakshmana. They then continued south, looking for Sugreeva. That brings us to the end of Aranya Kanda. Next class we will be starting Kishkinda Kanda.

We traced the path of Rama starting from Ayodhya, all the way to river Pampa on the India map. We will continue plotting important places and tracing Rama’s path, as we go.

We ended the class with Shanthi Mantra.


If you have not already, please mark your calendars for our class presentation at the assembly on Mar 22nd.
Please have the kids attempt the exercises at the end of Aranya Kanda, in the Junior Balavihar Bala Ramayana book. Also please get them to practice Guru Stotram.

Please remember to send along the following items in your child’s bag along with the folder and books:

1.       Crayons

2.       Sharpened Pencils

3.       Erasers

4.       Notebook

5.       Glue

6.       Age appropriate child proof scissors

and a nut free Snack/Drink to have during the break

Next class is on February 1, 2015.

Friday, January 16, 2015

January 4, 2015

Hari OM!

Beginning Prayers

·         Om Saha Navavathu
·         Agajaanana Padmaarkam 
·         Yaakundendu 


We chanted all the Stotrams (1-10) learnt so far today. Everybody took turns to come to the front of the class to chant one verse each. 

We learnt the 11 verse :

Na Guror-adhikam tattvam na Guror-adhikam tapah. 
Tattva-gyanat-param nasti tasmai Shri Gurave Namah. 


There is no higher truth than the Guru, no higher penance than (service to) the Guru, and there is nothing higher than Realisation of the Knowledge of the truth imparted by the Guru. My salutations to such a Gurudev, who is himself that very timeless truth (and who has taken up a form to bless his disciples like us with real knowledge). 


 We did some Yoga in class and the kids did all their favorite poses.

Story Time:
Pre-Story Quiz time was a lot of fun with great participation. It was evident that the kids are paying attention.

We reviewed the story from last week and continued on.  Ram order Lakshmana to guard Sita and goes after the Golden deer. The deer plays hide and seek with Rama and after chasing it for some time Ram decides to kill the deer and take the skin to Sita.  He aims an arrow at the deer and to his wonder sees it take the shape of Marica and call out to Lakshmana and Sita in Rama's voice. Rama is suddenly panic stricken but relaxes when he realizes that Lakshmana is there to protect Sita and would not leave her.  He starts walking towards the Parnasala when he sees Lakshmana coming towards him.  Meanwhile at the ashrama  Sita persuades and threatens Lakshmana to go to Rama's help. Lakshmana does so reluctantly.  He draws a line and tells Sita not to cross it.  Sita sits quietly crying   and when she opens her eyes sees a Sadhu in front of her.  It is Ravana in disguise.  Ravana tricks Sita and grabs her and carries her away in his chariot.  Sita screams for help and begs Ravana to let her go. Jatayu hears Sita's cries and comes to her rescue.  When Ravana refuses Jatayu puts up a brave fight but Ravana cuts his wings with his sword.  He takes Sita to Lanka. There he asks Sita to be his wife and says that Rama can never get to her.  Sita refuses and says that Rama will definitely come for her.  Ravana asks some horrible looking rakshasis to look after Sita but not give her a moment of peace.  Their job is to make Sita accept Ravana's proposal.  He gives Sita one year's time to change her mind. 

We did the exercises at the end of Ayodhya Kanda and did some coloring in the class.


We ended the class with Shanthi Mantra.

As mentioned already, we have finished Bala Kanda, and Ayodhya Kanda, and have started the Aranya Kanda. We had done some exercises at the back of the chapters. Please have the kids try and finish the exercises at the back of the Second chapter in the Junior Balavihar Bala Ramayana book. 

Children are making great progress with Guru Stotram. Please make them practice Guru Stotram (1-11) and also ‘Yaakundendu’ at home. We are planning to chant Guru Stotram at the Bhiksha towards the end of academic year.
Coloring is a fun activity that kids can do anytime. 

Some kids are still missing ‘My Prayer Book’, and ‘Bala Ramayana’ Junior Balavihar books, and also a folder to keep materials in. Please remember to send those in.
Please remember to send along the following items in your child’s bag along with the folder and books: 
1.      Crayons
2.      Sharpened Pencils
3.      Erasers
4..      Notebook
5.      Glue
6.      Age appropriate child proof scissors

and a nut free Snack/Drink to have during the break

Wishing you all a happy Pongal/ Sankranti!
Next class is on January 18, 2015.