Sunday, December 8, 2013

December 8 2013

December 8th 2013 

Hari OM!

 Beginning Prayers 

  • Om Saha Navavathu 
  • Vakratunda Mahakaya
  • Namaste Sarade Devi
  • Dyana Mulam Gurur Murthihi
  • Sri Rama Rama Rameti 
  GuruStotram (My Prayers, Page 61) - We learnt sloka 8 after reviewing the first 7

 Geeta Chanting: 
  Geeta (Chapter 14, Page 21) - We learnt the first 3

    Ayodhya is in mourning. Sage Vasistha sends for Bharata who is on vacation. Bharata who has been restless lately returns to Ayodhya and is confused to see the sad faces on his way to his mother's palace. There his mother tells him about the death of the old king and how she had planned and succeeded in making Bharata the king of Ayodhya. Bharata is shocked. The story continued with Kaikeyi telling Bharata how happy she was to secure the kingdom for him and how she banished Rama to the forest. Bharata and Shatrugna on hearing this are really shocked and angry and yell and scream at Kaikeyi. Shatrugna, who is usually quiet, also drags Manthara on the floor. Bharata performs the last rites for his father and then tells the court that he will go and bring Rama back and make him the king. Ayodhya is very happy and follow Bharata into the forest to bring back Sri Rama. Guha and Sage Bharadwaja meet Bharata and give their blessing and help to bring back Rama. When Lakshmana sees Bharata coming in the forest he misinterprets Bharatha's intentions - he thinks Bharatha is coming to kill Rama. Rama convinces him that there's no way Bharata would do that. Bharata is dressed in ascetic clothes just like Sri Rama and tells him how King Dasharatha is no more. Sri Rama faints on hearing this and on recovering performs the last rites for his father. Then Bharatha tries to convince Sri Rama to come back and take over the kingdom. Rama refuses and tell him the greatest philosophy that joys and sorrows come in pairs. Everyone's got to do what their duty is and whichever way destiny takes them. Rama has vowed to his father to stay an asceitc life in the forest for 14 years and he will have to keep his word. On hearing this, Bharatha is sad but agrees to run the kingdom as Rama's representative for 14 years till Rama comes back. Bharatha then asks for Sri Rama's paduka (Slippers) and takes it home on his head. He tells Rama that his paduka will sit on the throne and rule the kingdome. Meanwhile, Bharatha will live like Rama, in a hut as an asceitc outside Ayodhya and run the kingdom on his behalf.

   Likhita Japa



  We conluded the day with
 Om Purnamadah

     Please try to send the following items in your childs bag:

  •  Crayons 
  • Pencil 
  • Notebook 
  • Glue 
  • Snack/Drink 
  • A folder to keep their pictures/artwork.
  • 1st grade Balavihar books - Bala Ramayan, coloring book and a copy of 'My Prayers' 
Next class is on Dec 15, 2013.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

November 24, 2013

November 24th 2013 

Hari OM!

 Beginning Prayers 

  • Om Saha Navavathu 
  • Vakratunda Mahakaya
  • Namaste Sarade Devi
  • Dyana Mulam Gurur Murthihi
  • Sri Rama Rama Rameti 
  GuruStotram (My Prayers, Page 61) - We learnt sloka 7 after reviewing the first 6


    We talked about how Rama, Sita and Lakshmana depart to the forest, amidst a very sad Ayodhya.We continued the story about how Rama, Lakshmana and Sita met Guha a tribal chief on the way and then they bid farewell to Guha and Sumantra the Charioteer and crossed the river Ganga. They then seeked Rishi Bharadwaja's advice as to where to set up their Ashram. Rishi Bharadwaja advices them to set up the ashram at Mt.Chitrakuta in Tapovan. When they reach Chitrakuta they liked the environment and Lakshmana quickly puts up a house of mud with thatched roof. Meanwhile Sumantra returns to Ayodhya with the empty chariot. The King Dasharatha is grief stricken. That night he confesses to Kaushalya the story of Sravana. " A young prince Dasharatha had learnt the art of shooting at his target without seeing it. One day while he was out hunting he heard the sound of an elephant drinking water and immediately shot his arrow only to find he had hit a young boy filling water in a pitcher. His name is Sravana and he says that he was taking the water to his blind parents. Prince Dasharatha asks Sravana's forgiveness as he had shot at Sravana by mistake. Sravana asks Dasharatha to got to his parents and dies. On seeing Sravana's blind parents Dasharatha explains his mistake and tells them of their son's death and seeks their forgiveness. The parents tell Dasharatha that even though he committed the sin unknowingly he will still have to bear the consequences. He too will suffer separation from his beloved son." Thus narrating the story to Kaushalya King Dasharatha breathes his last with Rama's name on his lips. Ayodhya is in mourning.

   Likhita Japa

  The kids traced the path of Rama on the Map and colored the feet.


  We conluded the day with
 Om Purnamadah

     Please try to send the following items in your childs bag:

  •  Crayons 
  • Pencil 
  • Notebook 
  • Glue 
  • Snack/Drink 
  • A folder to keep their pictures/artwork.
  • 1st grade Balavihar books - Bala Ramayan, coloring book and a copy of 'My Prayers' 
Next class is on Dec 8, 2013.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

November 17, 2013

November 17th 2013 

Hari OM!

 Beginning Prayers 

  • Om Saha Navavathu 
  • Vakratunda Mahakaya
  • Namaste Sarade Devi
  • Dyana Mulam Gurur Murthihi
  • Sri Rama Rama Rameti 
  GuruStotram (My Prayers, Page 61) - We learnt sloka 6 after reviewing the first 5


    We talked about how happy Ayodhya was with Sri Rama and Princess Sita's arrival. Thus passed 12 years. Soon, King Dasharatha was thinking about retiring to the forest after handing over the kingdom to Sri Rama. As his coronation was being planned, Manthara-the hunchback maid of Keikeyi sowed the poisonous seed in Keikeyi's mind that only Bharatha should be made King. So, Keikeyi asks Dasharatha to give her the 2 boons (promised earlier) - 1. Bharatha should be made king. 2. Rama should be sent to the forest for 14 years. This devastates King Dasharatha, but in order to be true to his dharma he sends for Rama and gives him the orders to go to the forest. Rama takes these orders as calmly as he did when he was told he would be coronated. Lakshmana and Sita convince Rama that they will accompany him in his exile to the forest. They depart to the forest, amidst a very sad Ayodhya.


  The kids colored a picture of Manthara poisoning the mind of Kaikeyi.


  We conluded the day with
 Om Purnamadah

     Please try to send the following items in your childs bag:

  •  Crayons 
  • Pencil 
  • Notebook 
  • Glue 
  • Snack/Drink 
  • A folder to keep their pictures/artwork.
  • 1st grade Balavihar books - Bala Ramayan, coloring book and a copy of 'My Prayers' 
Next class is on Nov 24, 2013.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

October 27 2013

October 27th 2013 

Hari OM!

 Beginning Prayers 

  • Om Saha Navavathu 
  • Vakratunda Mahakaya
  • Namaste Sharade Devi
  •  Sri Rama Rama Rameti 
  GuruStotram (My Prayers, Page 61) - We learnt sloka 5 after reviewing the first 4


    Rama was very eager to see the Rudra bow. It was so big and so heavy that about 5000 soldiers had to pull in a 8-wheel carriage into the palace. Rama's eyes shone when he saw the bow. Many princes tried to lift it but alas no one could. King Janaka was a little disappointed that there was no strong prince who could lift the bow that his daughter could. Just then Rama came up, lifted the bow with one hand, strung it and broke the bow. There was a divine sound and everyone in the kingdom could hear the roar of the bow. King Janaka was very thrilled and he promised Sita in marriage to Rama. Word was sent to King Dasharatha about the proposal and the king and his 3 queens came to Mithila for the wedding. Rama married Sita, Lakshmana married Urmila , Bharata married Mandavi and Shatrughna married Srutikriti. Everyone was happy, however King Janaka was sad that his beloved daughter would not live with him anymore and that she was moving away to live with her husband.


  The kids made a picture frame and pasted a picture of Rama and Sita. They then decorated the frame.


  We conluded the day with
 Om Purnamadah

     We celebrated Rama and Sita's wedding in class with some special snacks. Thanks to all the parents who sent in treats. The kids were dressed nicely for the wedding. And as it is a tradition to gift something at a wedding, the kids decided to something bad in them to Rama so that they can all be like Rama.

     Please try to send the following items in your childs bag:

  •  Crayons 
  • Pencil 
  • Notebook 
  • Glue 
  • Snack/Drink 
  • A folder to keep their pictures/artwork.
  • 1st grade Balavihar books - Bala Ramayan, coloring book and a copy of 'My Prayers' 
Next class is on Nov 17, 2013.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

October 20th 2013

October 20th 2013 

Hari OM!

 Beginning Prayers 

  • Om Saha Navavathu 
  • Vakratunda Mahakaya
  •  Sri Rama Rama Rameti 
  GuruStotram (My Prayers, Page 61) - We learnt sloka 3 and 4 after reviewing the first 1 and 2.

  Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram. Kids sang their favorite songs too.

    On the way to Mithila Rama ,Lakshmana and Vishwamitra come across a rundown ashrama.  On asking whose ashrama it is, Vishwamitra explains that it is Sage Gautama's ashrama and nobody lives there right now.  Once Indra came down and convinced Ahalya (Sage Gautama's wife) to misbehave.  So Sage Gautama cursed Indra and Ahalya turned into into a stone.  He said that when Sri Rama touches her, she'll become her usual self again.  So, Rama goes into the ashrama and touches the stone andd turns Ahalya back into a beautiful lady.


  The kids colored a picture of the Rama and Ahalya.


  We conluded the day with
 Om Purnamadah

     Please try to send the following items in your childs bag:

  •  Crayons 
  • Pencil 
  • Notebook 
  • Glue 
  • Snack/Drink 
  • A folder to keep their pictures/artwork.
  • 1st grade Balavihar books - Bala Ramayan, coloring book and a copy of 'My Prayers' 
Next class is on Oct 27, 2013.

Monday, October 7, 2013

October 6th 2013

October 6th 2013 

Hari OM!

 Beginning Prayers 

  • Om Saha Navavathu 
  • Vakratunda Mahakaya
  •  Sri Rama Rama Rameti 
   GuruStotram (My Prayers, Page 61) - We learnt sloka 2 after reviewing the first 1.
  King Janaka was childless. He was a farmer and while he was tilling the land he found a baby in the earth. He named her Sita. Sita was a reincarnation of Goddess Lakshmi. Rama was very eager to see the Rudra bow. It was so big and so heavy that about 5000 soldiers had to pull in a 8-wheel carriage into the palace. Rama's eyes shone when he saw the bow. Many princes tried to lift it but alas no one could. King Janaka was a little disappointed that there was no strong prince who could lift the bow that his daughter could. Just then Rama came up, lifted the bow with one hand, strung it and broke the bow. There was a divine sound and everyone in the kingdom could hear the roar of the bow. King Janaka was very thrilled and he promised Sita in marriage to Rama. Activity: We found Mithila and Dandaka forest on the map of India and stuck Rama Padam on the map and colored them. We organized our folder.


  We conluded the day with
 Om Purnamadah

     Please try to send the following items in your childs bag:

  •  Crayons 
  • Pencil 
  • Notebook 
  • Glue 
  • Snack/Drink 
  • A folder to keep their pictures/artwork.
  • 1st grade Balavihar books - Bala Ramayan, coloring book and a copy of 'My Prayers' 
Next class is on Oct 20, 2013.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

September 29th 2013

September 29, 2013

Hari OM! 

Beginning Prayers 

  • Om Saha Navavathu 
  • Vakratunda Mahakaya 
  • Sri Rama Rama Rameti.  

 GuruStotram (My Prayers, Page 61) - We reviewed sloka 1 and learnt sloka 2.

  We started the story session by conducting a quiz based on the last week's lesson. Rama and Lakshmana along with Viswamitra went on their first adventure. They went through the Dandaka forest which was dark and ugly because of the Demon Taataka and her son Mareecha. Rama killed Taataka and then the forest became beautiful again. On reaching the ashrama, Sage Vishwamitra started his mouna vrata for the 6 day yagna. Rama and Lakshmana watched over the ritual and there were no problems for 5 days. They were very alert on the 6th day when Mareecha and Subahu tried to disrupt the yagna.  Rama used the Manavastra which tied Mareecha and threw him into the ocean thousands of yards away. He used another arrow to kill Subahu. Vishwamitra completed his yagna succesfully and told Rama and Lakshmana to accompany him to Mithila to see the Rudra bow. Rama and Lakshmana were excited to have this opportunity.

    The kids found Ayodhya on the Map of India and stuck the foot of Rama on the Map. They will follow the trail of Rama in the coming weeks as we continue with the story.


   The kids wrote Rama 11 times (Likhita Japa) on Rama Padam.



We celebrated the Birthday of Aaryan with Donuts and sang the Happy Birthday song the Balvihar way.
 We conluded the day with
 Om Purnamadah


The kids participated very enthusiastically in the quiz. Surprisingly they remembered all the new names they learnt in the last class and every quiz question was answered by them. They loved doing Yoga and we ended it with some Pranayam. 


Please try to send the following items in your childs bag:

  •  Crayons 
  • Pencil 
  • Notebook 
  • Glue 
  • Snack/Drink 
  • A folder to keep their pictures/artwork.
  • 1st grade Balavihar books - Bala Ramayan, coloring book and a copy of 'My Prayers' 
 Next class is on October 6th, 2013.

Monday, September 23, 2013

September 22nd, 2013

Hari OM!

 Beginning Prayers
  •    Om Saha Navavathu 
  •    Vakratunda Mahakaya 
  •     GuruStotram (My Prayers, Page 9) - We reviewed sloka 1. 
   We started the story session by conducting a quiz based on the first week's lesson. The kids were divided into two teams - A & B. We continued the story. King Dasharatha had 4 sons - Rama, Lakshmana, Bharata and Shatrugna. We also talked about how they were learning the art of archery (there were no guns at that time) and how good they were at that art. All the kids want to be like Rama, who listens to his parents and is very obedient and dutiful.
    Then we discussed how Sage Vishwamitra came to Ayodhya to ask for Rama's help in fighting the rakshasas Subahu and Maricha. King Dasharatha did not want to send his son there, but Sage Vasistha convinced the King that there must be a reason why Sage Vishwamitra was asking for Rama's help. King Dasharatha then agreed to send Rama and Lakshmana with Vishwamitra. We also discussed the story of how Vishwamitra who was a king became a sage, a Brahmarishi.

  •   The kids made their name tags. 
  •   The kids colored a picture of Rama, Sita, Lakshmana and Hanuman. 

   We conluded the day with
     Om Purnamadah

Comments: The kids participated very enthusiastically in the quiz.


   Please try to send the following items in your childs bag:
  • Crayons 
  • Pencil 
  • Notebook 
  • Glue 
  • Snack/Drink
  •  A folder to keep their pictures/artwork. 
  • 1st grade Balavihar books - Bala Ramayan, coloring book and a copy of 'My Prayers' 
 Next class is on September 29th, 2013.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

September 15, 2013

September 15, 2013

Hari OM!

 Beginning Prayers 

Om Saha Navavathu

 Stotram: GuruStotram (My Prayers, Page 61) - We did sloka 1

 Story: We described Ayodhya and how beautiful a city it is. It is where King Dasharatha was ruling, and there was no fight/war in the city - hence the name. We also talked about how King Dasharatha ruled such a happy peaceful kingdom but was sad himself. He was sad because he had no kids and his guru asked him to perform the yagna. On performing that yagna, he was blessed with 4 sons - Rama, Lakshmana, Bharata and Shatrugna.

 Activity: The kids colored a picture of Dasharatha and the Yagna Purusha. Meditation/Japa: Games:

Conclusion: We conluded the day with Om Purnamadah Comments: We had a wonderful start to our Balavihar year. We had about 19 friends in class today,some of them are new to Balavihar. We have a very enthusiastic bunch of kids, who were willing to participate in all the activities and class discussions. We talked about how everyone spent their summer and how excited they are to be back in Balavihar.

 Reminders: Please try to send the following items in your childs bag:
A folder to keep their pictures/artwork.
1st grade Balavihar books - Bala Ramayan, coloring book and a copy of 'My Prayers'

Next class is on September 22nd, 2013

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

June 9, 2013

Hari OM!

Beginning Prayers
  • Om Saha Navavathu
  • Vakratunda Mahakaya
  • Saraswathi Namastubhyam
  • Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu
  • Ramaya Ramabhadraya slokha.
  • Budhir Balam
  • GuruStotram (My Prayers, Page 9) - We reviewed slokas 1-9.
  • Lingashtakam - We reviewed the full Lingashtakam .
We continued our story and discussed how Sri Rama requested Sita to dress herself in royal queen-like clothes before appearing before him.  Then Sita was asked to take the Fire Test.  Sita had to prove to the world that she was pure inspite of having stayed at Lanka for a year.  To do that, she asked Lakshmana to light a fire, and she stepped onto it.  Agni-deva came out of the fire holding her and announcing to the world that she was very very pure.  After that, Sri Rama happily accepted her and took her back to Ayodhya.  Then was the happy coronation of Rama, Sita in Ayodhya and they lived happily ever after.

The kids colored a picture .

 Likhita Japa


We conluded the day with 
  • Om Purnamadah
 The kids are working on completing their portfolio.  

June 2, 2013

Hari OM!

Beginning Prayers
  • Om Saha Navavathu
  • Vakratunda Mahakaya
  • Saraswathi Namastubhyam
  • Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu
  • Ramaya Ramabhadraya slokha.
  • Budhir Balam
  • GuruStotram (My Prayers, Page 9) - We reviewed slokas 1-9.
  • Lingashtakam - We reviewed the full Lingashtakam .
Ravana rides to the battlefield in full glory knowing fully well that he was going to meet his death. He attacks the vanara army and slowly makes his way to Rama.  Lakshmana tries to stop him but is rendered unconscious by Ravana. Hanuman ones again brings the hill of herbs to revive Lakshmana.  Finally Rama and Ravana come face to face and a great battle follows. The raksasas accompanying Ravana are killed easily.  Now Rama and Ravana fight with each other.  Both aim their divine astras at each other, both are wounded.  Rama cuts of Ravana's heads one by one but is confused to see that another head would rise to take its place. Lord Indra sends his divine chariot and charioteer Matali to help Rama.  Rama wounds every limb of Ravana but Ravana is still fighting. Matali whispers to Rama to use the divine astra given by Agastya.  Rama kills Ravana with that astra. Everyone is overjoyed and Mother earth breathes freely.  Once again truth triumphs. Vibhisana is saddened by Ravana's death and at Rama's request performs the last rites of Ravana.  Vibhisana is crowned king of Lanka and starts the task of rebuilding Lanka. 

The kids colored a picture .

 Likhita Japa


We conluded the day with 
  • Om Purnamadah
 The kids are working on completing their portfolio.  

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

May 19, 2013

Hari OM!

Beginning Prayers
  • Om Saha Navavathu
  • Vakratunda Mahakaya
  • Saraswathi Namastubhyam
  • Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu
  • Ramaya Ramabhadraya slokha.
  • Budhir Balam
  • GuruStotram (My Prayers, Page 9) - We reviewed slokas 1-9.
  • Lingashtakam - We reviewed the full Lingashtakam .
It is now Indrajit's turn to fight the vanara army.  He kills most of the vanaras and Rama and Lakshmana were soon caught in a net of poisonous darts.  The brothers were in a death-like coma.  Jambavan who was himself wounded looks for Hanuman and requests him to go the Himalayas immediately.  He asks Hanuman to look for a hill between the Kailasa and Rsabha peaks and bring four specific herbs which will help revive the divine brothers.  When Hanuman reached the Himalayas he finds the hill with a lot of herbs, unable to figure out which four were needed he brings the entire hill to the battlefield. The herbs not only help revive Rama and Lakshmana but also the vanara army.  The vanaras attack Lanka at night and set fire to every house and palace.  Ravana sends the sons of Kumbhakarna but they are killed. Ravana once again sends Indrajit.  The ferocious vanara army puts up a great fight.  Angered by this Indrajit uses his magical powers to create a maya Sita, places her in a Chariot and kills her with an arrow.  The vanaras believe this trick and carry the news to Rama and Lakshmana who throws their weapons down in dejection.  Vibhisana intervenes and mentions Indrajit's magical powers and asks Lakshmana to finish Indrajit immediately. Lakshmana goes with Hanuman to fight Indrajit and finally kills him.  Ravana hears this news and is heartbroken.  He gets angry and decides to kill Sita for real but one of his minister's remind him not to be a coward but go fight Rama himself. Ravana now prepares for battle with Rama.

The kids colored a picture .

 Likhita Japa


We conluded the day with 
  • Om Purnamadah
 The kids are working on completing their portfolio.  

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

May 12, 2013

Hari OM!

Beginning Prayers
  • Om Saha Navavathu
  • Vakratunda Mahakaya
  • Saraswathi Namastubhyam
  • Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu
  • Ramaya Ramabhadraya slokha.
  • Budhir Balam
  • GuruStotram (My Prayers, Page 9) - We reviewed slokas 1-9.
  • Lingashtakam - We reviewed the first 8stanzas of Lingashtakam .
Ram gives the signal to the vanara army and the battle begins. The vanaras and the raksasas fought fiercely.  The generals on both sides are well matched.  Angada fights with Indrajit and kills his charioteer.  Indrajit gets angry and starts shooting poisonous and serpent darts at Rama and Lakshmana.  The brothers are annoyed at first but are rendered helpless by the serpent darts.  The vanaras are confused and surround the brothers and they start weeping.  Meanwhile Indrajit tells Ravana that Rama and Lakshmana are dead.  Ravana is overjoyed and asks some raksasas to tell Sita about the death of the brothers.  He asks that Sita be flown over the battlefield so she can see the truth for herself.  Sita sees Rama and Lakshmana lying helplessly and cries bitterly. Then the rasksasi Trijata points out that Rama and Lakshmana's faces still has the divine glow and says that they are not dead but will be revived soon. Sita is cheered by these words.  Suddenly the ocean rises and Garuda, the king of birds alights in the midst of the vanaras.  He gently strokes the unconscious bothers and they sit up with renewed strength and energy. The vanaras shout with joy and Ravana comes to know that the princes are revived and ready to fight.

Ravana calls a fierce raksasa Dhumraksa to the lead the army to the western gate.  He fights with Hanuman and his vanaras and is killed by Hanuman. Ravana then asks Vajradamstra to fight against Angada but he too is killed by Angada. Ravana grows afraid as each of his brave warriors are slain. Prahasta his commander-in-chief reminds Ravana that all this could have been avoided if Ravana had returned Sita to Rama. Prahasta is also killed in the battle.  Ravana himself leads the army and fights with Hanuman and Lakshmana.  Lakshmana is wounded and becomes unconscious.  Ravana then comes face to face with Rama.  They fight fiercely and Rama knocks off Ravana;s crown, his chariot and destroys all his weapons. Ravana stands in front of Rama bedraggled and harassed.  Rama tells Ravana to go home, rest and come back the next day with fresh weapons. Ravana returns to his palace and decides to wake up his sleeping brother Kumbhakarna.  The raksasa wake him up with great difficulty.  Kumbhakarna hears from Ravana the grave situation he is in.  Kumbhakarna is not happy about Ravana's deeds but decides to stand by his brother.  He goes out and fights with the vanara army, eats up a lot of them, makes Angada, Sugriva and Nila unconscious. He parades the streets of Lanka with Sugriva on his shoulders, Sugriva regains conscience and his spring comes back to him, he lands int he midst of the vanaras. An annoyed Kumbhakarna wounds Hanuman and asks to fight with Rama.  In the battle that follow Kumbhakarna is killed by Rama.  Ravana is shaken when he hears this news. His sons decide to go out and fight with the vanaras and one by one they too are killed. Ravana is heart-broken but is determined to continue fighting.  He organizes his defenses again and the raksasa army is once again prepared to face the vanara attack.

The kids colored a picture .

 Likhita Japa


We conluded the day with 
  • Om Purnamadah
 The kids were very enthusiastic to play the Hangman game, they came up with the name, and the clues for their friends to guess! Great job everyone