Tuesday, September 23, 2014

September 21, 2014

Hari Om 

Beginning Prayers

As in the first class, we started off the class with Om chanting three times, followed by 'Om Sahanavavathu', and the new Ganesha Sloka for this year, which is:

Agajaanana Padmaarkam
Gajaananam Aharnisham
Aneka Dam Tam Bhaktaanam
Eka Dantam Upasmahe

We chanted the first Guru Stotram, and also learnt the second Guru Stotram.

Ajnyaana-Timira-Andhasya Jnyaana-[Aa]n.jana-Shaalaakayaa |
Cakssur-Unmiilitam Yena Tasmai Shrii-Gurave Namah

(Please see ‘My Prayers’ )

We had a good and loud chanting when we split the class into two groups.  Please have the kids practice these Slokas at home.

Story Time:

We started the story time with the story of Valmiki. How he turned from a robber to a Sage, and how he got the name Valmiki, and what it means. (Anthill) We also learnt how he started to write Ramayana. We all wanted to live in Ayodhya, after learning about its beauty, and its people, especially that there was no fight or war. (Ayodhya – Place of no ‘yudh’ (war)). King Dasharatha ruled Ayodhya, assisted by his Guru Vashista. Kousalya, Kaikeyi and Sumitra were his wives. But King Dasaratha was very sad because he did not have any kids. His Guru Vashista asked him to perform the ‘Putra Kameshti Yagna’.  After performing that yagna, he was blessed with 4 sons - Rama, Lakshmana, Bharata and Shatrughna. Please ask them to retell these stories.

We colored the ‘Putra Kameshti Yajna’ Scene from the story that we learnt today.

We concluded the day with ‘Om Poornamadah’ Shanti Prayer.

Om Poornnam-Adah Poornnam-Idam Poornnaat-Poornnam-Udacyate
Poornnashya Poornnam-Aadaaya Poornnam-Eva-Avashissyate ||
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||

(Please see ‘My Prayers’)

We had a great Sloka chanting today. Hope to keep up with the enthusiasm, and energy in the coming classes.

Please remember to send along the following items in your child’s bag:

Class Text Books/Workbook:

·         My Prayer Book

·         Ramayana Characters Children’s Workbook

·         Bala Ramayana Junior Balavihar


1.       Crayons

2.       Sharpened Pencils

3.       Erasers

4.       Notebook

5.       Glue

6.       Age appropriate child proof scissors

7.       A folder to keep their pictures/artwork

and a nut free Snack/Drink to have during the break

Next class is on October 5, 2014.  Happy Navarathri!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

September 14, 2014

Hari Om

A very warm welcome to the first Sathyam Class of Balavihar 2014-15!

Beginning Prayers
We started off the class with Om chanting three times, followed by
Om Sahanavavathu
Vakra thunda
Saraswathi Namasthubyam

We went on to learn the first Guru Stotram.

akhaṇḍamaṇḍalākāraṁ vyāptaṁ yena carācaram

tatpadaṁ darśitaṁ yena tasmai śrīgurave namaḥ [1]

(Please see  'My Prayers' book)
Please have the kids practice this at home. We will continue learning Guru Stotram one new sloka at a time.


We went around the class introducing ourselves, and shared what we did over the summer. We had fun trying to recall the Ramayana characters, and stories that we already knew, and learning some new ones.

We will be doing a folder on ‘Bala Ramayana’ to be filled with various arts and crafts on Ramayana stories, as we learn through each class. We colored ‘Ram Parivar’ today that will go on the front page of the folder.
We did 'Likhita Japa' today. We wrote the name of Lord Rama quietly, 11 times.
We concluded the day with ‘Om Poornamadah’ Shanti Prayer.

Om Poornnam-Adah Poornnam-Idam Poornnaat-Poornnam-Udacyate

Poornnashya Poornnam-Aadaaya Poornnam-Eva-Avashissyate ||
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||

(Please see  'My Prayers' book)


We had a great first Balavihar class this year. We had 9 lovely, enthusiastic and active friends that participated in classroom activities.  Most are returning students, and few are new.

Please send along the following items in your child’s bag:

Class Text Books/Workbook:
My Prayer Book
·        Ramayana Characters Children’s Workbook
·        Bala Ramayana Junior Balavihar

1. Crayons
2.  Sharpened Pencils
3.  Erasers
4.  Notebook
5.  Glue
6.  Age appropriate Child Proof Scissors
7.  A folder to keep their pictures/artwork

and a nut free Snack/Drink to have during the break

Next class is on September 21st, 2014.
We are looking forward to a fun and spiritual year with your child!


Please review the following information pertaining to Sathyam Class:
Learning Goals:

Bala Ramayana: Goal for children is to easily learn Ramayana. Bala Ramayana tells us about the Lord of the Kosala Country, Sri Rama. This epic is divided into seven Kandas – Bala, Ayodhya, Aranya, Kiskinda, Sundara, Yudha and Uttara.

Learn thru’ stories, crafts, shlokas and games.

Please note:

Please arrive on time to Balavihar. Assembly starts at 9:30am on Sundays and Classroom instruction starts at 10am.

Please have your breakfast before class, so you are alert and energetic.  Please bring in a nut free snack for the break.

Please bring in all your supplies and books and completed homework to each class.

Please let us the kids and also the teachers know which class the parent will be during the class.

Schedule to attend all of the scheduled classes.  If you are going to be absent, email or call teacher and inform in advance. (Possibly the week before).  Let us know, of any planned vacation or when you plan to be away due to any other commitment.