Tuesday, May 8, 2012

MAY 6TH, 2012

Beginning Prayers
  • Om Saha Navavathu
  • Vakratunda Mahakaya
  • Saraswathi Namastubhyam
  • Ramaya Ramabhadraya
  • Buddhir Balam Yashodhairyam
  •  Krishnaya Vasudevaya.


It is now Indrajit's turn to fight the vanara army.  He kills most of the vanaras and Rama and Lakshmana were soon caught in a net of poisonous darts.  The brothers were in a death-like coma.  Jambavan who was himself wounded looks for Hanuman and requests him to go the Himalayas immediately.  He asks Hanuman to look for a hill between the Kailasa and Rsabha peaks and bring four specific herbs which will help revive the divine brothers.  When Hanuman reached the Himalayas he finds the hill with a lot of herbs, unable to figure out which four were needed he brings the entire hill to the battlefield. The herbs not only help revive Rama and Lakshmana but also the vanara army.  The vanaras attack Lanka at night and set fire to every house and palace.  Ravana sends the sons of Kumbhakarna but they are killed. Ravana once again sends Indrajit.  The ferocious vanara army puts up a great fight.  Angered by this Indrajit uses his magical powers to create a maya Sita, places her in a Chariot and kills her with an arrow.  The vanaras believe this trick and carry the news to Rama and Lakshmana who throws their weapons down in dejection.  Vibhisana intervenes and mentions Indrajit's magical powers and asks Lakshmana to finish Indrajit immediately. Lakshmana goes with Hanuman to fight Indrajit and finally kills him.  Ravana hears this news and is heartbroken.  He gets angry and decides to kill Sita for real but one of his minister's remind him not to be a coward but go fight Rama himself. Ravana now prepares for battle with Rama

Ravana rides to the battlefield in full glory knowing fully well that he was going to meet his death. He attacks the vanara army and slowly makes his way to Rama.  Lakshmana tries to stop him but is rendered unconscious by Ravana. Hanuman ones again brings the hill of herbs to revive Lakshmana.  Finally Rama and Ravana come face to face and a great battle follows. The raksasas accompanying Ravana are killed easily.  Now Rama and Ravana fight with each other.  Both aim their divine astras at each other, both are wounded.  Rama cuts of Ravana's heads one by one but is confused to see that another head would rise to take its place. Lord Indra sends his divine chariot and charioteer Matali to help Rama.  Rama wounds every limb of Ravana but Ravana is still fighting. Matali whispers to Rama to use the divine astra given by Agastya.  Rama kills Ravana with that astra. Everyone is overjoyed and Mother earth breathes freely.  Once again truth triumphs. Vibhisana is saddened by Ravana's death and at Rama's request performs the last rites of Ravana.  Vibhisana is crowned king of Lanka and starts the task of rebuilding Lanka. 



Likhita Japa:

We practiced the dance for Samaskriti.

We met with the parents and reviewed the timings of the remaining practice sessions.  We reviewed the costume requirements as well.  We have a stage rehearsal on Saturday, Nay 12 at 2.30 pm.  We looking forward to seeing all the kids that day. 

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