Tuesday, October 14, 2014

October 12, 2014

Hari Om!

Beginning Prayers

  • Om Saha Navavathu
  • Vakrathunda  (in response to kids’ requests)
  • Agajaanana Padmaarkam

GuruStotram – Practiced Sloka 1 2, & 3, we learnt Sloka # 4.
Sthaavaram Jangamam Vyaaptam
Yatkinchit Sacharaa Charam
TatPadam Darshitam Yena
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.


4.1: (Salutations to the Guru) By Whom is Pervaded all the Movable and Immovable objects as well as the Moving and Non-Moving beings,
4.2: By Whom is Revealed (out of Grace) That Feet (of All-Pervasive Presence); Salutations to that Guru.

We started the class with a quiz, which was even more fun with volunteer moms participating as a team against boys’ team and girls’ team.

Story Enactment:

We took a different take to our usual ‘story telling’ today, with the kids actually enacting the scene. Kids chose their roles, and enacted the scenes with dialogue, after hearing the story/dialogue only once.  It was almost extemporaneous. After a quick recap, we did the ‘turning Stone into Ahalya’ scene. Vishwamitra took Rama and Lakshmana to attend a Yajna performed by King Janaka. As they were nearing the city of Mithila, they saw the deserted Ashram of Sage Gautama. We learnt how Ahalya was turned into a stone by her husband Sage Gautama. When Lord Ram’s feet touched the stone, Ahalya became a human being again. We then introduced King Janaka of Mithila. He had found a beautiful baby when he was ploughing the land in preparation for an Yajna. He named the baby Sita and thanked Bhumidevi for the gift of this divine child.  Sita was and is considered the very symbol of perfection.  As she grew older and attained marriageable age, King Janaka was worried about how he would find a husband worthy of Sita. He decided that the man who lifted and bent the ‘Shiva Dhanush’ (bow of Rudra, given to his ancestors by God Varuna) would marry Sita. When King Janaka heard that Vishwamitra was staying in the outskirts of Mithila, he went with his court of ministers and invited the sage to be his guest. There he saw the two sons of King Dasharatha and was struck by their brilliance. He learnt that they were the sons of his childhood friend, Dasharatha, and invited them also to Mithila.  The next day Vishwamitra, with Rama and Lakshmana proceeded to the Yagna Mandap.  Shiva Dhanush was brought by 5000 mighty warriors on an eight wheeled chariot, and kept in the center of the Mandap/hall.  With the blessings of Sage Vishwamitra, Rama lifted the bow with such ease, and snapped it into two, to the roaring applause of everyone gathered there.  King Janaka sent swift messengers to King Dasharatha to convey the good news, and to invite him for the wedding. Dasharatha, who was anxious to know about the welfare of his sons, was overjoyed.  He rushed to Mithila with family and ministers to attend the wedding. Rama and Sita were married with all pomp and splendor fit for a royal wedding.
Children had so much fun enacting the scenes.  You might want to do a role-play at home on the story so far. This, you will find, to be a fun family activity, and also help the kids  to develop theatrical talents.


After the wedding, we learnt this Ram Bhajan:

Aatma Rama Aananda Ramana
Achyuta Keshava Hari Narayana

Bhava Bhaya Harana Vandita Charana
Raghukula Bhushana Rajeeva Lochana

Aadi Narayana Ananta Shayana
Sachidananda Satyanarayana

Kids did a beautiful craft activity today in honor of the Ram-Sita Wedding. They made a picture frame for Ram-Sita Wedding picture, and decorated with gem stones, and glitter glue.

Materials needed:

Ram-Sita Picture

4 Popsicle Sticks

Some gemstones, stickers, whatever you want to decorate with

Glue (with glitter optional)

1 Pipe cleaner or Satin Ribbon of desired length


We ended the class with Shanthi Mantra.

Today’s class was probably the most fun class so far.  Thanks to all the parents who dressed the kids up in festive clothes for the Ram-Sita Wedding. Many thanks to all the volunteer moms, who brought sweets, drinks, and cutlery, helped out with the craft activity in the class, and were also good sports, playing along during the quiz.

Please have the kids practice the Slokas and Guru Stotram at home regularly.
Please remember to send along the following items in your child’s bag:

 Class Text Books/Workbook:

·         My Prayer Book

·         Ramayana Characters Children’s Workbook

·         Bala Ramayana Junior Balavihar


1.       Crayons

2.       Sharpened Pencils

3.       Erasers

4.       Notebook

5.       Glue

6.       Age appropriate child proof scissors

7.       A folder to keep their pictures/artwork

and a nut free Snack/Drink to have during the break

Next class is on October 19th 2014.  

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