Wednesday, December 17, 2014

December 14, 2014

Hari OM!

Beginning Prayers

·         Om Saha Navavathu
·         Agajaanana Padmaarkam 
·         Yaakundendu 


GuruStotram – Practiced Sloka 1 through 9, and learnt Sloka # 10. 

Shoshanam bhavsindhoshcha gyapanam saarsampadah. 
Guroh-padodakam samyak tasmai Shri Gurave Namah.

Even by the very sipping of the charanamruta (the water with which the feet of guru are washed), we get blessed by the eternal wealth (of liberating knowledge), and which dries up the endless ocean of seeking & the subsequent sorrows. My Salutations to the lotus-feet of that glorious Gurudev.


Since Quiz has been a great way to reinforce the past story, it was continued this class too. That led to re-telling of several stories from previous classes. 

Story time:

We contined with the story.  Rama, Lakshmana and Sita spend about 10 years in the forest peacefully roaming between different ashrams and protecting them from the rakshasas.  Finally as they near the end of their exile,  Sri Rama wants to meet the great Sage Agasthya.  Rama tells Lakshmana and Sita about the greatness of Sage Agasthya where he makes the mighty VIndhya mountain bend forever and how he kills the two Rakshasas Vatapi and Ilvala.

  When they meet the sage, he suggests they settle down at Panchavati and they do.  Surpanakha (Ravana's sister) comes by and wants to marry Rama.  In the end when she tries to hurt Sita, Lakshmana cuts her nose and ears and she goes running to her brothers Khara and Dusana who rule over that part of the forest.  

We made a holiday ornament in class today.  

We also played a game called  "Rama says…" .


We ended the class with Shanthi Mantra.

Please have the kids try the exercises at the back of the first chapter in the Junior Balavihar Bala Ramayana book. This will help them to refresh their memory. Children are making good progress with Guru Stotram. Please make them practice at home. Some kids are still missing ‘My Prayer Book’, and ‘Bala Ramayana’ Junior Balavihar books. Please remember to send those in.

Please remember to send along the following items in your child’s bag along with the folder and books:

  • Crayons
  • Sharpened 
  • Erasers
  • Notebook
  • Glue
  • Age appropriate child proof scissors
and a nut free Snack/Drink to have during the break

Next class is on December  21, 2014. 

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