Tuesday, December 23, 2014

December 21, 2014

Hari OM!

Beginning Prayers

·         Om Saha Navavathu
·         Agajaanana Padmaarkam
·         Yaakundendu


We chanted all the Stotrams (1-10) learnt so far today. Everybody took turns to come to the front of the class to chant one verse each. For their good show, they got to enjoy a few minutes of free style 'happy' dancing at the end of the class.

Story Time:
Pre-Story Quiz time was a lot of fun with great participation. It was evident that the kids are paying attention.

We continued the story from Surpanakha getting her ears and nose cut off by Lakshmana. She ran to Janasthana, where her brothers Khara and Dooshana lived. With blood gushing out from cut nose and ears, she screamed to her brothers ‘How can you both sit so calmly ? Do something about it’. Khara and Dooshana asked her to stay calm, and explain what had happened. Surpanaka explained everything except her desire to marry Rama. The brothers sent 14 of their best generals to kill Rama and Lakshmana, but they were easily destroyed by Rama. Khara, and Dooshana then realized how strong Rama was, and decided to fight Rama themselves. They, along with Trisaras, the three headed Rakshasaa, led an army of 14,000 soldiers. Rama reduced all this army to a lifeless heap of flesh in no time. Akampana, who was the only Rakshasa that escaped, went to Ravana, and asked for his protection. After listening to the story, Ravana decided that he had to take down Rama cleverly. He went to seek Mareecha’s help in this regard. Mareecha, having escaped Rama’s arrow earlier, advised Ravana against any move to fight Rama. Heeding to this advice, Ravana went back to his palace. But the next morning, Surpanakha convinced Ravana otherwise, tempting him with descriptions of Sita’s beauty. Ravana visited Mareecha again, and asked him to use his magical powers, and convert himself to a beautiful golden deer to attract Sita. Mareecha, after trying his best to advise Ravana, gave up at last, and did what he was asked to do. Sita fell in love with the deer, and wanted to have it as her pet. But the deer ran into the forest and Sita could not keep up. She asked Rama and Lakshmana to get it for her. Lakshmana suspected that this could be a Rakshasaa trying to take revenge on them, while Sita was convincing to get the deer. Rama thought that if this was indeed a Rakshasa, he could easily kill him, just like how he killed all the Rakshasas. He asked Lakshmana to guard Sita, and went in search of the deer.
Seva Project:
As planned, in the spirit of the value of the month, ‘Giving’, the kids packed cutlery sets for 'Samaritan Homeless Interim Program' in Somerville. Kids also wrote short holiday messages as a li’l surprise note, that they put inside the Cutlery set bags.  Wish we had taken some pictures of the messages they wrote. The messages were short, warm and creative.  Thanks to all the volunteers (Parents of Lasya, Rishi, Achyut, and Shloka) for sending the supplies and for their time helping the kids to make the Seva Project successful. Special thanks to Rishi’s mom for delivering the cutlery sets to the Program’s facility in Somerville.


We ended the class with Shanthi Mantra.

As mentioned already, we have finished Bala Kanda, and Ayodhya Kanda, and have started the Aranya Kanda. We had done some exercises at the back of the chapters. Please have the kids try and finish the exercises at the back of the Second chapter in the Junior Balavihar Bala Ramayana book.

Children are making great progress with Guru Stotram. Please make them practice Guru Stotram (1-10) and also ‘Yaakundendu’ at home. We are planning to chant Guru Stotram at the Bhiksha towards the end of academic year.
Coloring is a fun activity that kids can do anytime. During this holiday break, let the kids take it a step further, and try drawing a scene after reading a specific chapter or paragraph from the Bala Ramayana book, based on the descriptions given in the chapter/paragraph. This could be a great family exercise, with each family member creating their own interpretation of the scene, and compare how each has interpreted. Please bring the art created to the class to share with the class.

Some kids are still missing ‘My Prayer Book’, and ‘Bala Ramayana’ Junior Balavihar books, and also a folder to keep materials in. Please remember to send those in.
Please remember to send along the following items in your child’s bag along with the folder and books:
1.      Crayons
2.      Sharpened Pencils
3.      Erasers
4..      Notebook
5.      Glue
6.      Age appropriate child proof scissors

and a nut free Snack/Drink to have during the break

Wishing you all happy holidays, and a happy, prosperous, peaceful, prayerful, and blissful new year!
Next class is on January 4, 2015.

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