Friday, January 16, 2015

January 4, 2015

Hari OM!

Beginning Prayers

·         Om Saha Navavathu
·         Agajaanana Padmaarkam 
·         Yaakundendu 


We chanted all the Stotrams (1-10) learnt so far today. Everybody took turns to come to the front of the class to chant one verse each. 

We learnt the 11 verse :

Na Guror-adhikam tattvam na Guror-adhikam tapah. 
Tattva-gyanat-param nasti tasmai Shri Gurave Namah. 


There is no higher truth than the Guru, no higher penance than (service to) the Guru, and there is nothing higher than Realisation of the Knowledge of the truth imparted by the Guru. My salutations to such a Gurudev, who is himself that very timeless truth (and who has taken up a form to bless his disciples like us with real knowledge). 


 We did some Yoga in class and the kids did all their favorite poses.

Story Time:
Pre-Story Quiz time was a lot of fun with great participation. It was evident that the kids are paying attention.

We reviewed the story from last week and continued on.  Ram order Lakshmana to guard Sita and goes after the Golden deer. The deer plays hide and seek with Rama and after chasing it for some time Ram decides to kill the deer and take the skin to Sita.  He aims an arrow at the deer and to his wonder sees it take the shape of Marica and call out to Lakshmana and Sita in Rama's voice. Rama is suddenly panic stricken but relaxes when he realizes that Lakshmana is there to protect Sita and would not leave her.  He starts walking towards the Parnasala when he sees Lakshmana coming towards him.  Meanwhile at the ashrama  Sita persuades and threatens Lakshmana to go to Rama's help. Lakshmana does so reluctantly.  He draws a line and tells Sita not to cross it.  Sita sits quietly crying   and when she opens her eyes sees a Sadhu in front of her.  It is Ravana in disguise.  Ravana tricks Sita and grabs her and carries her away in his chariot.  Sita screams for help and begs Ravana to let her go. Jatayu hears Sita's cries and comes to her rescue.  When Ravana refuses Jatayu puts up a brave fight but Ravana cuts his wings with his sword.  He takes Sita to Lanka. There he asks Sita to be his wife and says that Rama can never get to her.  Sita refuses and says that Rama will definitely come for her.  Ravana asks some horrible looking rakshasis to look after Sita but not give her a moment of peace.  Their job is to make Sita accept Ravana's proposal.  He gives Sita one year's time to change her mind. 

We did the exercises at the end of Ayodhya Kanda and did some coloring in the class.


We ended the class with Shanthi Mantra.

As mentioned already, we have finished Bala Kanda, and Ayodhya Kanda, and have started the Aranya Kanda. We had done some exercises at the back of the chapters. Please have the kids try and finish the exercises at the back of the Second chapter in the Junior Balavihar Bala Ramayana book. 

Children are making great progress with Guru Stotram. Please make them practice Guru Stotram (1-11) and also ‘Yaakundendu’ at home. We are planning to chant Guru Stotram at the Bhiksha towards the end of academic year.
Coloring is a fun activity that kids can do anytime. 

Some kids are still missing ‘My Prayer Book’, and ‘Bala Ramayana’ Junior Balavihar books, and also a folder to keep materials in. Please remember to send those in.
Please remember to send along the following items in your child’s bag along with the folder and books: 
1.      Crayons
2.      Sharpened Pencils
3.      Erasers
4..      Notebook
5.      Glue
6.      Age appropriate child proof scissors

and a nut free Snack/Drink to have during the break

Wishing you all a happy Pongal/ Sankranti!
Next class is on January 18, 2015.

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